Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Minh Quân
Giảng Viên
- B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Science, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, 2000-2004
- Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA, 2006-2011.
- Nonlinear Waves, Scientific Computing, Nonlinear Optics, Applied Probability
- Calculus, Probability, Statistics
- Journal articles
- 20. A. H. Le, T.T. Huynh, Q.M. Nguyen, A Finite Difference Scheme for (2+1)D Cubic-Quintic Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Nonlinear Damping, Applied Numerical Mathematics (2024). arXiv
- 19. A. H. Le, T.T. Huynh, Q.M. Nguyen, Analysis of a Crank-Nicolson finite difference scheme for (2+1)D perturbed nonlinear Schrödinger equations with saturable nonlinearity, Computers and Mathematics with Applications (2024). arXiv
- 18. Q.M. Nguyen and T.T. Huynh, Impact of two-photon absorption on two-dimensional solitons in silicon waveguides with a nonstationary potential, Waves in Random and Complex Media (2023).
- 17. Q.M. Nguyen and T.T. Huynh, Spatiotemporal soliton interaction of saturable nonlinear Schrödinger equations in spatial dimensions higher than 1, Acta Mathematica Vietnamica (2023). [Dedicated to Professor Dương Minh Đức on the occasion of his 70th birthday.]
- 16. Q. M. Nguyen, Collision-induced amplitude dynamics of pulses in linear waveguides with the generic nonlinear loss, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation (2022).
- 15. A. Peleg, T. T. Huynh, and Q. M. Nguyen, Fast two-beam collisions in a linear optical medium with weak cubic loss in spatial dimension higher than 1, Journal of Engineering Mathematics (2022). arXiv
- 14. Q. M. Nguyen, T. T. Huynh, and A. Peleg, Universality of the amplitude shift in fast two-pulse collisions in weakly perturbed linear physical systems, Indian Journal of Physics (2022)
- 13. T. T. Huynh and Q. M. Nguyen, Fast soliton interactions in cubic-quintic nonlinear media with weak dissipation, Applied Mathematical Modelling (2021).
- 12. Q.M. Nguyen and T.T. Huynh, Collision-induced amplitude dynamics of fast 2D solitons in saturable nonlinear media with weak nonlinear loss, Nonlinear Dynamics (2021). arXiv
- 11. Q. M. Nguyen and T. T. Huynh, Frequency shifting for solitons based on transformations in the Fourier domain and applications, Applied Mathematical Modelling (2019). ArXiv
- 10. A. Peleg, Q. M. Nguyen, and T. T. Huynh, Soliton-like behavior in fast two-pulse collisions in weakly perturbed linear physical systems, European Physical Journal D (2017).
- 9. A. Peleg, Q. M. Nguyen, and T. T. Huynh, Stable scalable control of soliton propagation in broadband nonlinear optical waveguides, European Physical Journal D (2017).
- 8. A. Peleg, Q. M. Nguyen, and T.P. Tran, Transmission stability and Raman-induced amplitude dynamics in multichannel soliton-based optical waveguide systems, Optics Communications (2016).
- 7. D. Chakraborty, A. Peleg, Q. M. Nguyen, Stabilizing soliton-based multichannel transmission with frequency dependent linear gain-loss, Optics Communications (2016).
- 6. Q.M. Nguyen, A. Peleg, and T.P. Tran, Robust transmission stabilization and dynamic switching in broadband hybrid waveguide systems with nonlinear gain and loss, Physical Review A (2015). arXiv
- 5. A. Peleg, Q. M. Nguyen, and P. Glenn, Many-body interaction in fast soliton collisions, Physical Review E (2014). arXiv
- 4. A. Peleg, Q.M. Nguyen, and Y. Chung, Cross-talk dynamics of optical solitons in a broadband Kerr nonlinear system with weak cubic loss, Physical Review A (2010).
- 3. Q.M. Nguyen and A. Peleg, Resolving the Raman-induced cross frequency shift in fast optical soliton collisions, Journal of the Optical Society of America B (2010).
- 2. Q. M. Nguyen and A. Peleg, Deterministic Raman crosstalk effects in amplified wavelength division multiplexing transmission, Optics Communications (2010). ArXiv
- 1. A. Peleg, Y. Chung, T. Dohnal, and Q.M. Nguyen, Diverging probability density functions for flat-top solitary waves, Physical Review E (2009). ArXiv
- Conference papers
- 2. A. Peleg, Y. Chung, and Q. M. Nguyen, Stable Energy Equalization of Solitons in WDM Waveguide Systems with Cubic Loss, In Proceedings of the Frontiers in Optics, Rochester, New York, USA (2012).
- 1. A. Peleg and Q. M. Nguyen, Stability of Amplified DPSK WDM Transmission against Raman Crosstalk Effects, In Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference, San Diego, California, USA (2010).
- Employment:
- 01/2024-present: Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, International University, Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City.
- 1/2012-12/2023: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, International University, Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City.
- 8/2018-12/2018: Visiting Scientist, Institute of Mathematics, EPFL, Switzerland.
- 2006-2011: TA and Adjunct Instructor (2011), Department of Mathematics, State University of New York at Buffalo, New York, USA
- Selected Talks:
- Resonances in the Mathematical World, Univ. of Science, PTNK, VNU-HCM, August 1-4, 2024.
- International Conference on Applied Mathematics, 2024, TDTU, July, 11-13, 2024.
- ICIAM 2023, Waseda University, Tokyo, August 20-25, 2023. CT.
- The 10th Vietnam Mathematical Congress, Da Nang, August 8-12, 2023. Contributed talk (Session TB8).
- Lectures on Mathematical Physics, University of Technology, VNU-HCM, July 29, 2022. Invited speaker.
- Vietnam-Taiwan Joint Symposium on Applied Science and Emergent Two-Dimensional Materials, VLU 2022. Invited speaker.
- The International Symposium on Applied Science, University of Technology, VNU-HCM, 2019, 2020. Speaker.
- Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, January 3-4, 2019. Invited speaker.
- The 9th Vietnam Mathematical Congress, Nha Trang, August 14-18, 2018. Invited speaker (Session: Mathematical Applications).
- 7th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing March 19-23, 2018, Hanoi. Contributed Speaker. A nice photo thanks to the organizers.
- SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (SIAM PD17), Baltimore, MD, USA, December 9-12, 2017. CP speaker and co-organizer of MS43 and MS52: Coupled Nonlinear PDEs, Solitons, and Nonlinear Dynamics.
- Summer meeting 2017, University of Science, VNU-HCMC, July 22-23, 2017. Invited Speaker.
- IMA program in Mathematics and Optics, University of Minnesota, USA, April 24-May 5, 2017. PS Speaker.
- The AMO/QIS/CMT Seminar, National Center for Theoretical Science, Hsinchu, Taiwan, August 31, 2015. Invited Speaker. Host: Prof. Ray-Kuang Lee.
- The AMO Physics Summer School, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan, August 25-28, 2015. Invited Speaker.
- Summer Meeting 2015, University of Science (VNU-HCM), August 8-9, 2015. Invited Speaker.
- International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM), Seoul, August 13-21, 2014. Contributed speaker. [SC. Session 11: Math. Phys. (SC11-03)]
- VIASM Summer Program on “PDEs and Applied Mathematics”, Hanoi, July 14 – August 7, 2014. Invited Speaker.
- SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, July 2013. CT.