Associate Professor Trần Mạnh Hà
Giảng Viên Thỉnh Giảng
- BEng. in Information Technology, HCMC Polytechnic University, Vietnam (1994-1999)
- MSc. in Computer Science, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (2003-2004)
- PhD. in Computer Science, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany (2006-2009)
- Computer Networks, Distributed Systems, Information Systems
- Distributed Computing, Parallel Computing, Mobile Computing
- Big Data Analytics, Peer-to-Peer Computing, Decentralized Online Social Networks
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- Information Retrieval, Web Technology, Search Engine
- Undergraduate: Operating Systems, Distributed Systems, Database Systems, Network Protocols, Information System Management
- Graduate: Advanced Networking, Network Management
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- Môn giảng dạy 4
- Môn giảng dạy 5
- Books:
- Nguyen Van Sinh, Tran Manh Ha, Nguyen Thi Thanh Sang, Nguyen Minh Quan: Nền tảng toán học trong công nghệ thông tin. Nhà xuất bản ĐHQG TPHCM, 2018.
- Nguyen Van Sinh, Nguyen Thi Thanh Sang, Tran Manh Ha: Xây dựng ứng dụng web cho thương mại điện tử trên Netbeans. Nhà xuất bản Xây dựng, 2017.
- Nguyen Van Sinh, Tran Manh Ha, Huynh Kha Tu: Công nghệ thông tin – Định hướng học tập, nghiên cứu và phát triển nghề nghiệp. Nhà xuất bản Xây dựng, 2016.
- H.M. Tran: Distributed Case-Based Reasoning for Fault Management. Jacobs University PhD Dissertation, ISBN 978-3-8322-8525-8, Shaker Velag, 2009
- Selected Journal Papers:H.M. Tran, S. V. Nguyen, S. T. Le, Q. T. Vu: Applying Data Analytic Techniques for Fault Detection. Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems (TLDKS) 31:30-46, Springer, 2017
- C. H. Nguyen, H.M. Tran, Q. T. Vu: Exploiting Context-Aware Event Data for Fault Analysis. REV Journal on Electronics and Communications (REV-JEC), 5(3-4):85-92, 2016
- H.M. Tran, J. Schönwälder: DisCaRia – Distributed Case-based Reasoning System for Fault Management. IEEE Transaction of Network and Service Management (TNSM), 12(4):540-553, 2015 (SCIE)
- H.M. Tran, S.V. Nguyen. Decentralized Online Social Network Using Peer-to-Peer Technology. REV Journal on Electronics and Communications, 5(2): 29-36, 2015
- H.M. Tran, S.T. Le, T.K. Huynh: A Feasible MapReduce Peer-to-Peer Framework for Distributed Computing Applications. Vietnam Journal of Computer Science, 2(1): 57-66, 2015.
- H.M. Tran, A.V.T. Tran, S.T. Le, S.V. Nguyen. Improving Adaptive Semantic Filtering with Bounded Dynamic Threshold for Log Data Analytics. Journal of Science and Technology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, ISSN 0866-708X, 2014 .
- H.M. Tran, T.H. Dang, K.V. Huynh: Fault Resolution System for Inter-Cloud Environment. Journal of Mobile Multimedia: Advanced Computing Issues in Data and Security Engineering, 10(1&2): 16-29, Rinton Press, 2014. (Scopus)
- H.M. Tran, S.T. Le: Ontology-based Search System on Peer-to-Peer Networks for Software Bug Reports. Journal of New Generation Computing (NGC), Springer, 2014. (SCIE)
- H.M. Tran, C. Lange, G. Chulkov, J. Schoenwaelder, M. Kohlhase: Applying Semantic Techniques to Search and Analyze Bug Tracking Data. Journal of Network and Systems Management (JNSM) 17(3), Springer, September 2009. (SCIE)
- M. Czenko, H.M. Tran, J. Doumen, S. Etalle, P.H. Hartel, J. den Hartog: Nonmonotonic Trust Management for P2P Applications. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 157(3): 113-130, 2006. (Scopus)
- Selected Conference Papers:H. M. Tran, S. V. Nguyen, S V. U. Ha, and T. Q. Le. An Analysis of Software Bug Reports Using Random Forest. 5th International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering (FDSE 2018), Springer, 2018.
- H.M. Tran, S.T. Le, H.D. Le, and A.T. Tran: A Distributed Controller Approach Using P2P Protocol for Software Defined Networks. The International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications (ACOMP 2018), IEEE, 2018
- H.M. Tran, S.V. Nguyen, T.T. Tran, L.P.Q. Pham. A Study of Uber-based Applications. 8th International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2017), NhaTrang City, Dec. 2017. ACM
- H.M. Tran, S.V. Nguyen, S.T. Le, V.T. Quy: Fault Data Analytics Using Decision Tree For Fault Detection. 2nd International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering (FDSE 2015), HCMC, Nov. 2015. LNCS Springer.
- Q. Vuong, H.M. Tran, S.T. Le: Distributed Event Monitoring for Software Defined Networks. International Conference on Advanced COMPuting and Applications (ACOMP 2015), HCMC, Nov. 2015. IEEE.
- Associate Professor at School of Computer Science and Engineering, International University Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM), 2016
- Lecturer at School of Computer Science and Engineering, International University Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM), 2009
- Research associate at School of Engineering and Science, Jacobs University Bremen in Germany, 2006-2009
- Research associate at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente in The Netherlands, 2005-2006
- Lab assistant at School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham in United Kingdom, 2003-2004
- Software engineer for Nortel Networks, Tata Consultancy Service in Vietnam, Canada, USA, India from 1999 to 2003